Todays short story is A few normal things by Gwen E. Kirby
I discovered Gwen E. Kirby through her pubslihed short story collection „Shit Cassandra saw“ after reading retellings of greek mythology in my books club like „Circe“ and „Persephone“. Cassandra drew me in, but the story „a few normal things“ stuck most in my head. My first read through was with a library book and this year I just finally got the book for myself. Rereading it, I love it once again. Kirby has a god hand for short stories, for creating a unique and intense vibe in each of them.
Here published in Tin House, a literary magazine (since 1999), publishing established and undiscovered writers alike.
So for today, as every day, enjoy reading, have a good day and see you tomorrow 😀