what will i read tonight?

i just sat down on my bed

a little ill today, with some hot tea and thinking about what book i could read this evening to relax and get sleepy and i remembered that i heard of the new book of haruki murakami, so this is what i will write about first:

for the german edition: http://www.dumont-buchverlag.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=6985


what i like about his books is that there is always a mix of fantasy and real world story, mostly a guy who is nice, likable but strange in a way, and a women, who is seldom painted colorless, if anything they’re dream-persons that i would like to meet. well, i would not get a price for the best author revue like this, but thats beside the point 🙂

after i first read ‚hardboiled wonderland‘ i just loved his style and so i do wonder, how this book will be.

good night and have fun

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