new movies to look ot for

„Good Hair“ ft. Chris Rock
ok,ok, this one is not new, just new to me.
It is a Documentary, where he explores the wonders of African-American hairstyles and the weight of beauty standards.


„Dear White People“
In cinemas in the US right since october, I’m wandering how long it will take till I can watch it! (Some movies just take forever to get into cinemas here, like „Whip it“ or „In a World“)


„The Skeleton Twins“
Wonderful Kristen Wiig is the sister of this funny-dragic pair of siblings, who are brought back together after being apart for ten years.


IMDb says „A cocky young man travels to Oregon to work on an apple farm. Out of his element, he finds his lifestyle and notions being picked apart by everyone who crosses his path.“ I think, it looks like fun.


„Stories we tell“
This I probably can’t watch alone, or just with a whole truck of tissues, but it looks promising: This is a Documentary about a mother, a woman, a love, a wife. Sarah Polleys is going on a search, figuring out, who her mom was. The mom has passed away. Sarah is interviewing family members and discovers stories. One review said, what came out of her search is like a love letter to her parents. To me, it is like an impulse thinking about how our parents are also people, makes me wonder, how their live has been.

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