Schlagwort-Archive: trailer

Nimona – ND Stevenson

Der Comic Nimona wurde ursprünglich als Webcomic veröffentlicht und dann 2015 als Buch veröffentlicht. Klappentext: „Nemeses! Dragons! Science! Symbolism! All these and more await in this brilliantly subversive, sharply irreverent epic from ND Stevenson. Featuring an exclusive epilogue not seen … Weiterlesen

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Deutschland sagt Sorry

Na, dass finde ich mal schön! Zu finden unter: Durch die und seit der Agenda 2010 findet im Hartz IV System eine stetige Ausgrenzung statt. Dazu gehört finanzielle Ausgrenzung von Menschen. Dazu gehört auch, dass Hatz IV Empfänger_innen oftmals … Weiterlesen

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List of Lesbian Movies where no-one dies

I did not notice that apparently lesbians die at the end of movies often, nevertheless this is a list of 17 lesbian movies probably worth watching 🙂 What I wanna add is ‚Blue is the warmest Colour‚ Have fun <3

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time to check out some movies to look forward too

i probably spent more time watching trailers then the movies actually, but from time to time a do see the movies themselves too 🙂 here we go with my newest treasures: 1. Woman in Gold A Movie about a painting, … Weiterlesen

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new movies to look ot for

„Good Hair“ ft. Chris Rock ok,ok, this one is not new, just new to me. It is a Documentary, where he explores the wonders of African-American hairstyles and the weight of beauty standards. „Dear White People“ In cinemas in … Weiterlesen

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how mary poppins came into excistence

i’m so looking forward to watch this movie

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new movie trailers

Ramona and Beezus thats what i am paper heart Restless georgia rules coraline

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more movies i would love to watch

or have watched by now allready…. i kinda got on to romantic comedies through a friend of mine, she’s totally onto them. so here are some more trailers of movies i suggest, even though i haven’t seen them yet, oh … Weiterlesen

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filmtips – movielist – what do you wanna see?

i just went through a whole bunch of trailers to see whats coming up next and i found these movies, i might see in cinema this year: the help the arbor terri queen to play dear lemon lima daydream … Weiterlesen

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series – i like and would recommend right now

buffy dead like me being erica glee veronica mars huge (not sure yet) daria firefly

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