The Adventures of Superhero Girl – Faith Erin Hicks

superhero girlI got this jewel of a comic book for  this years birthday and I am very happy about it. Two reasons being that I hadn’t heard of it before and I enjoyed reading it so much!

It is quite a hobby of mine to research books, read them, and second hand hunt them. I also love to just hang out in my local bookstore and enjoy seeing all the paper beauties. So finding one that is completly new is not impossible, but needs some effort.

Originally published in 2013 the adventures of superhero girl got reprinted last year in an extended edition, much to my delight.

Superhero girl is a young woman living with her roommate in a small canadian town. There she once went to college. She decided to stay and fight supervillains because even small towns need superheroes.
What it

Awesome about her is that her life is neither specially tragic nor mysterious. She is a regular woman. Trying to find a job so she can pay her rent. Looking to find a hobby. Having to deal with stereotypes thrown her way. Stereotypes about how she ought to be, and if she really could be a superhero. But that is was she is and I like her for that.
I like that she stands up for herself. And faces these ‚ought to be’s and the ‚but you should’s. And does it her own way instead.

I also like this comic for some little moments. Like when her superhero brother gets to show his feelings too. Or when her flatmate is out on her own attempt of superheroing. My favorite monster is quite sweet and a huge pain in the ass nonetheless (o_O) It has whisker of course!

For new adventures and projects by the author check here.

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