The Midnight Club – Christopher Pike

Klappentext /Blurb: They were victims of life, but they vanquished death.
In a hospice for teens with terminal illnesses, five friends form the Midnight Club. They meet every night to share spine-chilling stories. Some are invented, some true. The strangest are a mixture of the two.
The club members make a pact – whichever of them dies first will try to contact the others from beyond the grave. The most incredible of their stories is about to begin . . .

Christopher Pike was born in New York, but grew up in Los Angeles, where he lives to this day. Prior to becoming a writer he worked in a factory, painted houses and programmed computers. His hobbies include astronomy, meditating, running and making sure his books are prominently displayed in his local bookshop!

As well as being a bestselling teen horror and thriller writer, he is also the author of numerous titles for adults. Other well-known works include: The Last Vampire series and the Remember Me series.

Age recommendation 12-14.
This book is a classic YA horror and has been turned into a serie, airing currently on Netflix. The book has not been translated into German yet.

I have the first of his Vampire book serie in my bookshelf since several years and never got around to reading it. One reason is also, that I didn’t know anything about the author. I don’t know about you, but for me that does make a difference for some books.
Now I am just curious to read both these books and will not watch the serie (yet). I think watching it on TV is too spooky for me.
If you want to check out, what other people think, here is a fan podcasts and a fan website about his books.

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