Archiv der Kategorie: Filmhits

ach Yoda …:)

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List of Lesbian Movies where no-one dies

I did not notice that apparently lesbians die at the end of movies often, nevertheless this is a list of 17 lesbian movies probably worth watching 🙂 What I wanna add is ‚Blue is the warmest Colour‚ Have fun <3

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documentaries and history

i’ve got several recommendations from friends to watch these documentaries. also i haven’t seen all of them yet i wanna share them with you as well! 1. Searching for Sugarman This is the story of a musician from Detroit, not … Weiterlesen

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70 Jahre Befreiung – Das Auschwitz nie wieder sei!!!

Im Zuge des Jahrestages der Befreiung von Auschwitz bin ich, unter vielen Links die überall geteilt wurden, auf zwei Dokumentationen gestoßen, die ich hiermit empfehlen möchte: 1. Pizza in Auschwitz Ein Überlebender fährt mit seinen Kindern in seinen Geburtsort in … Weiterlesen

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time to check out some movies to look forward too

i probably spent more time watching trailers then the movies actually, but from time to time a do see the movies themselves too 🙂 here we go with my newest treasures: 1. Woman in Gold A Movie about a painting, … Weiterlesen

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new movies to look ot for

„Good Hair“ ft. Chris Rock ok,ok, this one is not new, just new to me. It is a Documentary, where he explores the wonders of African-American hairstyles and the weight of beauty standards. „Dear White People“ In cinemas in … Weiterlesen

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Obvious Child – upcoming movie that demystifies abortion

I just saw the trailer yesterdy and now found this article about it it. it sounds like a romantic comedy I look out for!

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Vampire Academy

Am 13. März 2014 startet ein neuer Vampirfilm in den deutschen Kinos.Der Film basiert auf den Büchern von Richelle Mead, die alle auch auf deutsch übersetzt wurden. Die Hauptfiguren sind zwei Teenagerinnen, beste Freundinnen und Vampire, die noch zu Schule … Weiterlesen

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while procrastinating

you can do useful stuff, like watching movie trailers 🙂 esquisite cheezyness and fun here is what i found today if i were you admission the painting stuck in love/ writers girl most likely the … Weiterlesen

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how mary poppins came into excistence

i’m so looking forward to watch this movie

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